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“Dr. Jenny” Inspired Halloween Costume

Written by MedStudy | Oct 31, 2018 5:15:37 PM

You may remember Jennifer Willis, MD from our “What’s in Your Bag” article that was recently posted. Dr. Willis attended our Pediatrics Review Course in Dallas where she took the time to chat with us. Dr. Willis is a pediatric nephrologist at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. While at the course Dr. Willis gushed about the rewarding feeling she receives from her career and the impact her patients have on her.

During our conversation, we asked Dr. Willis to tell us a bit more about herself. In particular, we asked her why she chose to be a pediatrician. “I always wanted to be a pediatrician,” she said, “since I was five. I really liked my doctor. I knew that I was going to be a doctor someday, too. I can’t really tell you why, but my mom swears up and down that from the time I was five I always wanted to be a doctor.”

We dove a little deeper and asked Dr. Willis what she thought the most rewarding part of her job is. She replied, “Saving lives.” without missing a beat. “There was this little girl who I diagnosed. My fellowship director always advised us to never miss the symptoms of her particular diagnosis. He used to pound it into our heads. I had never seen a patient with this diagnosis myself. I had come in contact with two cases but they were not my own. When she came in I knew that she had it... and I knew she was dying. We diagnosed her, gave her the proper medication and then she was back to normal,” Willis said.

Willis went on to say that the child she treated is going into Kindergarten this year and loves “Dr. Jenny.” She even dressed up as Dr. Willis for Halloween. “She had a doctors outfit, from Melissa and Doug. The outfit came with a white coat, a stethoscope, and toys that look like tools a doctor would use. She wore it twice, last year and the year before to dress up like ‘Dr. Jenny.’ I cried a couple times when I saw it, so now, on the hard days I think about her.” Willis said.

Dr. Willis ended the interview by saying, “So, saving lives is the best part of my job. I don’t get to do it every day, but I really get to make a difference. Probably every time I am on call we get to save someone or help save someone. I always say ‘God’s work, our hands.’ It’s not really me but you know, I help.”