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What's in your bag? — Jennifer Willis, MD

Written by Abbie Rohr | Sep 6, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Jennifer Willis, MD is a pediatric nephrologist at Cook Children’s Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. She recently attended the MedStudy Pediatrics Review Course, as she is planning to recertify in October.

While at the Course in Dallas, we noticed that Willis wore a Snuggie almost every day, so, we had to ask her, “What else is in your bag?” Here is what we found:

  • Water bottle
  • Mountain Dew
  • Special K protein shake
  • Energy drink
  • Snacks
  • Headphones
  • Notebook
  • Sunglasses
  • Keys
  • Watch
  • Pens
  • Highlighters
  • MedStudy Pediatrics Comprehensive Review Course Syllabus

What is it in here that you cannot live without?

Snacks. Sometimes I am hungry, and I cannot focus if I am hungry. So, I have snacks. I do Orangetheory [fitness program] and I find that makes my muscles eat calories a lot quicker than they used to. I find that if my sugar drops I start to sweat, and nobody wants that during a course. Also, I don’t want to pass out during the course, so I have my protein shake and my snacks for that.

Tell us about what else is in your bag?

I have my caffeine (Mountain Dew) to keep me awake because, although I want to pay attention, sitting through a four-hour lecture can be tiresome.

I have my water bottle to stay hydrated, my headphones for between lecture times, and my notebook to take notes. I have my sunglasses for outside and I also have my keys.

And, of course, my MedStudy Syllabus. Which I don’t completely fill up (only for the day’s lectures) so that I have more room for snacks.

Outside of the syllabus, is this what you would take to work with you, too?

This is what I would take on a call day, except, I would have breakfast and lunch too. I have to have my food and snacks. I would probably have more Mountain Dew, too.

Do you take your Snuggie to work with you as well?

I always take my Snuggie to work and always have it in my office. Since we are in Texas our hospital was built to remain cool, so our offices are always freezing.

I actually got the Snuggie idea from my partner. She came to work one day with a leopard Snuggie. I made fun of her for a long time until I borrowed it one day and then I HAD to have my own. I will only wear it on the pediatric floor, in my office. So no one will see it unless I come out of the office. Most people make fun of me but I’m okay with that.

Do your bag contents look anything like Dr. Willis's? What is the most surprising item in your bag? Snap a picture of your bag contents and share it with us on Twitter, we may even feature your bag next!