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What’s in Your Bag? –– Kristine Soltanpour, DO

Written by Abbie Rohr | Oct 10, 2018 10:22:15 PM

Kristine Soltanpour, DO just finished her fellowship in nephrology at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, New York. She attended our Internal Medicine Accelerated Review Course in Denver, Colorado to help prepare for her boards. While at the course we saw her using our Flashcards, so, we had to ask, “What else is in your bag?” Here is what we found:

  • Planner
  • Tazo tea bags (7 to be exact)
  • Phone
  • Coach wallet and address book
  • MedStudy name tag
  • Probiotics
  • MedStudy Core Scripts® Flashcards

MS: What is in your bag that you absolutely could not live without?

KS: Nothing. Nada. Zip. Not even my cellphone! These are probiotics, I take them for digestion and weight loss. I don’t ever take any meds though. No meds!

MS: Is this what you would take with you on a normal day?

KS: Yes, my tea, wallet, cellphone.

MS: What is the most exciting thing in your bag?

KS: The Flashcards! I am very proud that I know them all.

MS: How would these items help you in your normal day?

KS: The tea for sure would help in my normal day. It would help out if I were to get tired. You can live without stuff though! I have too much stuff!

MS: So, you use our Flashcards?

KS: I do! Last night I did about half of them. I love them.

MS: Did you enjoy the course?

KS: Yes! The course was great! I am just grateful for you guys and all your help.

I loved staying here in Colorado, too.

MS: Which speaker was your favorite?

KS: I don’t have a favorite speaker. They were all good and had strong points. I thought they all did a good job.

Does your bag look anything like Dr. Soltanpour’s? What’s in your bag you can’t live without? Let us know on Twitter or join us for one of our Internal Medicine Online Review Courses and show us there.