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    3 Reasons Your Peers Say MedStudy Courses Are An Awesome Board Review

    We know that if you've been in practice for awhile, it can be hard to remember everything you need for boards and to keep your practice up to date (especially if you mostly practice in a specific specialty). And, if you're a resident preparing for boards, it seems impossible to find time to ready and study on your own time. That's why an awesome review course, like MedStudy's Internal Medicine Board Review Course, can be a great solution for every physician, no matter where you're at in your medical career. 

    tim connelly on twitter says that medstudy awesome board review courses are the best ever

    3 Reasons Your Peers Say That Medstudy Courses Are an Awesome Board Review

    Each year, after the MedStudy Review Course has ended, we send out a survey to attendees to get their take on the course, and we ask them what we can do to improve the experience for future attendees. Here are 3 reasons physicians attend our awesome review course! 

    You'll Feel Confident in Taking the Boards

    Course attendees' confidence in passing boards increased after taking the course. In post-course surveys, attendees were asked to rate on a 1-5 scale how confident they felt taking the boards after the course.

    We received responses like, "Prior to taking this course, I was confident in passing the board exam," and "After taking this course, I am confident in passing the board exam.” Would a boost in confidence help you?

    medstudys awesome board review course gave attendees a 43% confidence boost for boards

    On average, attendees saw their confidence increase 43% (1.24 basis points) after participating. So, after one of our courses, you'll feel super confident going into your ABIM certification or ABIM MOC exam.

    anjna grover mds quote from medstudys awesome board review course


    Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

    We all have areas in which we excel and areas where we don't excel so much. Internal Medicine covers a huge amount of medical knowledge and Internal Medicine guidelines are constantly changing.

    98% of medstudys awesome board review course attendees said it helped them identify and remedy their knowledge gapsIf you’re struggling with certain topics, a MedStudy Internal Medicine Board Review Course may be just the awesome board review you need to find the areas you know well and where you need to brush up more. From the attendee survey, 98% of onsite course attendees said our course helped them identify and remedy gaps in medical knowledge and/or clinical judgment skills. 
    william r johnson mds quote from medstudys awesome board review course


    Our Course Speakers Are Superstars (Sometimes, Literally!)

    Year after year, we put out an awesome Internal Medicine board review course. How do we do it? The biggest thing is how great our our lecturers are amazing. We search far and wide, high and low to find the best specialists who engage and impress our course attendees. You won’t have to sit through lectures from the same doc for every specialty, this is one of the many reasons that 98% of our course attendees would recommend it.

    98% of course attendees would recommend it medstudys awesome board review course

    Many of our presenters are highly lauded in their specialties, and some are recognizable on the national stage (we’re looking at you, Dr. Raj Dasgupta). We always have attendees tell us that our speakers helped them understand a topic they hadn't fully understood before. Miriam Freundt, MD said that she "understood Neuro for the first time" after taking the Internal Medicine Board Review Course

    rosalie siy mds quote from medstudys awesome board review course

    Our online board review course option is perfect for attendees who want to watch lectures at their own pace, who won’t or can’t travel, and who study best alone and in familiar environments. You’ll still receive the valuable benefits of a MedStudy course.

    Course attendees talk about why they would recommend our awesome board review!

    So, what are you waiting for? Take advantage of these 3 reasons your peers say that MedStudy courses are an awesome board review and sign up today! Join us for our next Internal Medicine Board Review Course.

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