2019 Health Holidays: What to Teach Your Patients in Quarter Two

In January, we rounded up the most noteworthy national health holidays of Q1 and now we’re bringing you the same for Q2. You’re going to want to bookmark this post and come back all quarter long! Plus, don’t forget to push the (Click to Tweet) button by the facts to be a part of these health awareness holidays on social media.
National Autism Awareness Month
Key features of autism include impairment in reciprocal social interaction; qualitative impairment in communication; and restrictive, repetitive stereotypical behaviors, interests, or activities. #NationalAutismAwarenessMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
As a pediatrician, you are mandated to report suspected child abuse; you must report your suspicions to the appropriate local child protective agency and often the police. #ChildAbusePreventionMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
World Immunization Week April 22 – 28
Before the availability of the varicella vaccine, chicken pox caused > 10,000 hospitalizations and 100 deaths yearly. #WorldImmunizationWeek [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
World Meningitis Day April 24
Meningitis signs can be nausea/vomiting (in the absence of diarrhea), nuchal rigidity, irritability, lethargy, altered mental status, headache, neck pain, and anorexia. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Food Allergy Action Month
The prevalence of food allergies is about 4% in the adult population. The most common food allergens are peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, and soy. #FoodAllergyActionMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Hepatitis Awareness Month
The onset of jaundice after exposure is 3 weeks with hepatitis A and 3 months with hepatitis B–an important diagnostic clue! #HepatitisAwareness [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Mental Health Month
Anxiety disorders are classified in 2 ways:
1) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which is chronic and low grade
2) Panic disorder, with brief and dramatic panic attacks [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month
Allergic disorders frequently occur together in the same individual. A given patient could have asthma, eczema, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, food allergy, and urticaria. In fact, it is prudent to look for additional diseases when you find one of them. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Osteoporosis Month
Fractures are the most serious consequence of osteoporosis. There are 1.5 million fractures/year due to osteoporosis, with 300,000 of those due to proximal femoral fracture. Mortality due to proximal femoral fractures is about 20% within the 1st year! [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month
Alzheimer’s is diagnosed when found to be insidious, progressive, and marked by impairments in ≥ 2 domains (memory, executive functioning, perception, language, behavior, and complex attention), such that there is significant impairment in normal daily functioning. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Cataract Awareness Month
Risk factors for cataracts include: advanced age, DM, hypertension, positive family history, and excessive alcohol intake. Cataracts cause a very gradual, painless, progressive loss of vision. Treatment is cataract extraction with replacement of the lens. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
World Sickle Cell Day June 19
SCD is confirmed with hemoglobin electrophoresis–usually when the patient is a child. You can screen prospective parents for the carrier state and provide genetic counseling. #WorldSickleCellDay19 [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National HIV Testing Day June 27
Individuals at high-risk for HIV are considered to be those with intravenous drug use, men having sex with men, and those presenting for STI testing or with a history of STI or new diagnosis of TB. Test high-risk groups annually. #NHTD2019 [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Get the IM Core or Peds Core to see where these fast facts came from. For even more 2019 health holidays, check out Healthline’s Health Awareness Calendar.