2019 Health Holidays & What To Teach Your Patients This Quarter

With the surge of motivation that comes with starting a new year, health becomes a top-of-mind concern for everyone—including your patients. We’ve rounded up the most noteworthy national health holidays for internal and pediatric medicine for Q1 of 2019.
We’re bringing you this extensive list of health holidays and conversation starters to get you talking to your patients about their health, show you where to find the relevant topics in the 19th Edition Internal Medicine Core or the 9th Edition Pediatrics Core in myMedStudy, and give you social media content to grow your personal brand in 2019.
You’re going to want to bookmark this post and come back all quarter long!
Cervical Health Awareness Month
Since the introduction of the Pap smear in 1947, mortality due to cervical cancer in the U.S. has dropped by 70%. Still, there are over 12,000 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in the U.S. every year #NationalCervicalHealthAwarenessMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
The HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine series (9vHPV) is currently recommended for all 11–26-year-old females and for 11–21-year-old males. There are over 12,000 new cases of cervical cancer diagnosed in the U.S. every year #NationalCervicalHealthAwarenessMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Glaucoma is an insidious disease in which a prolonged, elevated intraocular pressure causes progressive visual field loss due to optic nerve damage. #NationalGlaucomaAwarenessMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Folic Acid Awareness Week (Jan. 7–13)
Folic acid is the most important supplement for pregnant women—ideally, women should start folic acid 400 mcg/day at least one month before conception. #NationalFolicAcidAwarenessWeek [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
World Cancer Day (Feb. 4)
The most common types of cancer are prostate (in men) and breast (in women). In both genders, the 2nd and 3rd most frequent cancers are lung and colorectal. #WorldCancerDay [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (Feb. 7–14)
Most adult patients with congenital heart disease are asymptomatic! #CongenitalHeartDefectAwarenessWeek [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
Incidences of multiple sclerosis are higher in northern latitudes, possible because of reduced sun exposure—it’s recognized that adequate vitamin D levels may have a protective effect. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
National Nutrition Month
Did you know? Salt is an acquired taste, so starting low-salt meals early in your child’s life keeps their nutrition in check. #NationalNutritionMonth [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
American Diabetes Alert Day (March 26)
Diabetes risk factors include: a 1st degree relative with the condition, history of gestational diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome, and vascular disease. If you have risk factors, start screening at 30 years old. [Source: @MedStudy] (Click to Tweet)
If you’re elbow-deep in planning and organizing your life for the year (like we are!), check out the latest calendar of important dates for Internal Medicine or Pediatrics. It includes exam dates and other important days to remember throughout the beginning of the year.