3 Reasons Interlinked Content Changes the Study Game

With our most recent launch of the 10th Edition of MedStudy’s pediatrics suite of review solutions, and our latest 19th Edition for Internal Medicine, we unveiled functionality in our tools that will help you study stronger: interlinked content.
What's Interlinked Content?
We've "interlinked" all of the content in our digital products (Core, Q&As, and Flashcards) so that you can toggle back and forth across study formats. In a single click, you can go from Core to Flashcards, Flashcards to Core; Q&As to Core, or Core to Q&As.
How interlinked content works in your myMedStudy account.
The best way to experience interlinked content is in our Study Strong Digital Essentials. It includes all 3 interlinked study tools: Core, Q&A, and Flashcards.
Interlinked Content Helps You Immediately Clarify Concepts
Our new content is designed to be the most up-to-date, clear, and board-focused content available. And now that we’ve added interlinked content, you’re able to see every question for any specific topic in the Core, or see all the questions for that specific topic, in a single click.
So, if you're in a Q&A, and you realize you don't have enough info on the topic, or you don’t get enough background in the ‘Answer & Explanation,’ you can jump to the Core to read that section.
You can do all questions on a topic, a subset of questions on a topic, or jump to read about the topic from the question set.
Streamline Your Review Process
We’ve taken “cut through the med ed clutter” a step further than we ever have before—interlinked content streamlines your review process, and makes you even more efficient while studying.
You’ll be able to find relevant information across MedStudy products, so you can study one topic effectively across multiple formats.
For example, if you want to read in the Core about Endocrinology: Hypothalamus and Pituitary Disorders, you can then use a link to take you to the same section in Q&A Premium or Flashcards to quiz yourself on that information.
No more jumping from study tool to study tool—we’ve made it easy for you to study across our qbank, Core text, and Flashcards.
Shore Up Your Understanding of Familiar Concepts
Interlinked content across Core and Q&A, Core and Flashcards, helps you really focus in on one topic. You’ll be able to review what you already know and dig into any unfamiliar concepts.
There are so many ways to learn all the medical information you need to know, but we really have a single, evidence-based recommendation: Use the MedStudy Method. To sum it up how interlinked content helps you learn medicine even better: When paired with the MedStudy Method, interlinked content simplifies your review and helps you study different topics effectively.
When you follow the Method and use interlinking, you’ll preview what you already know with Flashcards, jump to the Core to study for deeper for understanding, then review with Q&As at spaced intervals throughout your study period (spaced retrieval). Get even more details on how to study with the best, science-backed techniques.
Get MedStudy's StudyWise guide.
Which Products Have Interlinked Content?
Interlinked content is a feature that spans across our Core, Q&As, and Flashcards—it's not a separate product you can buy. What interlinked content means, when you get down to it, is that we’ve created a way for our customers to access our content in an integrated, cross-format way.
The Core, Q&As, and Flashcards are all still individual study tools that you can buy separately. To access interlinked content, you’ll want to purchase the Core plus (at least) one more study tool, either Q&A or Flashcards.
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