The Complete Guide to Physician CME and MOC Requirements

CME and MOC requirements easily fall to the bottom of the long list of to-dos. If you're stressed about meeting your requirements, you're in the right place! Whether you're a new resident just hearing about 'CME requirements' for the first time, or you're a practicing physician wondering what's new, we've got your answers.
What are CME credits?
Continuing medical education (CME) in medicine refers to the educational activities a doctor does on an annual basis in order to maintain licensure by their state board. These educational activities are meant to help physicians maintain their competency and discover developing areas in their field.
What is the difference between CME and MOC?
CME Credits are necessary for your state licensure. MOC (maintenance of certification) points are mandated by the medical specialty board and required for you to maintain your board certification.
MOC requirements are often considered to be more complex than CME, because it requires certain activities and includes passing a recertification exam.
Determine how many CME credits you need to earn
If you need to know how many CME credits you are required to have per year, the answer will be different depending on the state you live in. Some states require as many as 50 CME credits a year, whereas others don't require any at all. Some states require that a certain amount of hours be content-specific CME, for example, some require that a certain number of hours be for prevention of medical errors, ethics, LGBTQ cultural competency, controlled substances prescribing practices, HIV/AIDS, and others.
Note that some states have different requirements for MDs than for DOs, what your specialty is, and depending on which renewal you are doing. So make sure you check specific requirements with your state licensing board.
How to earn CME credits
You earn CME credits when you participate in ACCME-accredited educational activities. CME credits are calculated an hour-for-hour basis, so you will earn one CME credit for every hour you spend on an educational activity.
AOA CME requirements
Every physician who holds osteopathic board certification through the AOA and its specialty certifying boards is required to participate in the OCC program, which includes CME requirements. AOA CME requirements range from 120–150 each cycle, depending on your specialty. You can earn AOA CME online with any of our learning tools.
Determine how many MOC points you need this year
The number of points required depends on the board for your specialty. Here's a quick breakdown for Internists and Pediatricians.
Internal medicine MOC requirements
You need 100 MOC points every five years in order to remain certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine. Every two years, you must participate in a MOC activity. The number of credits you earn will count towards the 100 needed every five years. You also need to pass a MOC assessment.
Pediatrician MOC requirements
Every five years, you need to earn 50 points from Part 2 activities and receive at least 50 points of Quality Improvement (Part 4) activities. You need a total of 100 points every five-year cycle—50 points from Part 2 activities and 50 points from Part 4 activities. Depending on which ABP exam you're taking, every few years you will need to pass a MOC assessment as well.
How to calculate CME credit hours
CME credits are calculated on an hour-for-hour basis. So, if you need 30 CME credits, you'll spend 30 hours in a learning activity. For every hour you spend in an educational activity, you'll earn one CME credit.
MedStudy automatically tracks your CME credits in your myMedStudy account. To keep track of the credits and points that you have already claimed, you can see all of your MedStudy claim history in your myMedStudy account.
Go to "CME/MOC" and then "Claim History." You can see a summary of your CME claims, have the opportunity to view and download or print your CME certificates, and below that you'll see your MOC history.
Pro Tip: You can earn CME credits and MOC points at the same time
It's difficult enough to try and keep track of the different CME and MOC requirements! The good news is that all MedStudy learning tools count for both your CME requirements and your MOC requirements.
How to claim CME credits and MOC points with MedStudy
With MedStudy's learning tools, you can claim your required CME credits and MOC points, prepare for your boards, and make sure you give your patients the best care! Here's how to claim your credits and points from your myMedStudy account.
Earn CME and MOC quickly
If you're looking for ways to earn credits quickly, we recommend our Peds Qbank+ or IM Qbank+. With these Q&As, you'll be able to accrue CME credits and MOC points as you need them. You will earn one credit for every four questions that you answer correctly.
With 12-month access to the qbank, you can earn a maximum of 100 points by going through just 400 of the 1,700+ questions for Internal Medicine or 2,000+ questions for Pediatrics.
Start earning CME Credits and MOC Points now with MedStudy learning tools and don't forget to join our community of 30,000+ physicians who get regular study tips, board prep advice, and get our special discounts and offers!
Number of CME Credits Required for Physicians, by State*
State |
CME Required |
Hours/Category/Content Requirement |
Alabama |
Yes |
25 hours per year; all must be AMA PRA Category 1. Effective January 1, 2018, all Alabama Controlled Substance Certificate (ACSC) holders must complete 2 AMA Category 1 CME hours every 2 years in the area of controlled substance prescribing practices, recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances, or controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain. |
Alaska |
Yes |
50 hours every 2 years; all must be AMA Category 1 or AOA Category 1 or 2. Physician may not be exempted from more than 15 hours of continuing education in a five-year period. For each licensee who holds a DEA number, at least 2 hours must be in pain management and opioid use and addiction. |
Arizona MD | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years. Effective April 2018, all health professionals with a valid DEA registration number who are renewing their licenses are required to complete a minimum of three (3) hours of opioid-related, substance use disorder-related or addiction-related CME each renewal cycle. |
Arizona DO | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; 24 must be AOA Category 1-A and no more than 16 hours are obtained annually by completing a CME classified as AMA Category 1 by the ACCME. Effective April 2018, all health professionals with a valid DEA registration number who are renewing their licenses are required to complete a minimum of three (3) hours of opioid-related, substance use disorder-related or addiction-related CME each renewal cycle. |
Arkansas | Yes | 20 hours per year. Fifty percent of said hours shall be in subjects pertaining to physician's primary area of current practice and designated as Category 1. |
California MD | Yes |
50 hours of approved CME during each biennial renewal cycle (every two years). If an initial license was issued for less than 13 months, only 25 hours must be completed. All must be Category 1 approved. All physicians (except pathologists and radiologists) are required to take, as a one-time requirement, 12 units on pain-management and the appropriate care and treatment of the terminally ill. Physicians must complete this requirement by their second license renewal date or within four years, whichever comes first. As an alternative, a physician and surgeon may complete a one-time continuing education course of 12 credit hours in the subjects of treatment and management of opiate-dependent patients, including 8 hours of training in buprenorphine treatment or other similar medicinal treatment for opioid use disorders. Those who choose to comply with this section shall complete the requirements of this section by his/her next license renewal date. General internists and family physicians which have over 25% of the patient population at least 65 years of age are required to complete at least 20 percent of their mandatory CME in geriatric medicine. |
California DO | Yes |
Effective January 1, 2018, licensees must complete 100 CME hours every 2 years; 40 hours must be AOA Category lA or lB. All physicians (except pathologists and radiologists) are required to take, as a one-time requirement, 12 units on pain-management and the appropriate care and treatment of the terminally ill. Physicians must complete this requirement by their second license renewal date or within four years, whichever comes first. As an alternative, a physician and surgeon may complete a one-time continuing education course of 12 credit hours in the subjects of treatment and management of opiate-dependent patients, including 8 hours of training in buprenorphine treatment or other similar medicinal treatment for opioid use disorders. Those who choose to comply with this section shall complete the requirements of this section by his/her next license renewal date. General internists and family physicians which has over 25% of the patient population at least 65 years of age are required to complete at least 20 percent of their mandatory CME in the field of geriatric medicine. |
Colorado | Yes | Effective March 30, 2020, licensees must complete at least two hours of training per licensing cycle related to best practices for opioid prescribing, recognition of substance use disorders, referral of patients with substance use disorders for treatment, and use of the Electronic Prescription Drug Monitoring Program. Licensees who maintain a national board certification that requires equivalent substance use prevention training, or attests to the Board that the health care provider does not prescribe opioids are exempted. Effective January 1, 2026, licensees must complete 30 hours of CME per 24-month renewal period. To qualify for CME credit hours, a program must be accredited by the Colorado Medical Society, AMA, or ACCME, and qualify for AMA Category 1 credit; qualify for prescribed credit from AAFP; be an approved program of ACOG; or be a program required in order to maintain national board certification, not including a program of self-study or a program self-claimed or self-documented. The Board is also authorized to audit up to 5% of physician renewals annually and to require the physician submit proof of CME completion, failure to comply with CME regulations or with an audit without reasonable cause can result in an unprofessional conduct charge. |
Connecticut | Yes | 50 contact hours within the preceding twenty-four month period in an area of the physician's practice. In the first renewal period for which CME is required (the second license renewal), and once every six years after that, a physician must take at least one contact hour of training or education in each of the following topics: infectious diseases, cultural competency, risk management, including, but not limited to, for registration periods beginning on or after October 1, 2015, prescribing controlled substances and pain management, sexual assault, domestic violence, and behavior health. The commissioner may grant a waiver for not more than 10 contact hours of CME for physicians who 1) engage in activities related to the physician's service as a member of the Connecticut Medical Examining Board; 2) engages in activities related to the physician's service as a member of a medical hearing panel; or 3) assists the departments with its duties to boards and commissions as described in Sec. 19a-14 |
Delaware | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be AMA or AOA Category 1. Starting with 2017 renewals, a physician must complete 2 hours of continuing education (CE) biennially in the areas of controlled substance prescribing practices, treatment of chronic pain, or other topics related to prescribing controlled substances. A physician who is renewing his registration for the first time and who has been licensed to practice medicine in Delaware for less than one year shall not be required to meet any continuing medical education requirements until the time of the next subsequent renewal of his registration. |
DC | Yes |
50 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. As part of the 2018 renewal process, physicians, physician assistants and nurses must complete 3 hours in the subject of HIV/ AIDS, two (2) hours in the subject of LGBTQ cultural competency, and at least one 1 course in the subject of pharmacology. Effective January 1, 2021, 10 percent of the total CME requirement must be completed in topics identified by the Director of the Dept. of Health as public health priorities. |
Florida MD | Yes | First time license renewal: 40 hours; 1 hour must be Category 1 on HIV/ AIDS, 2 hours must be Category 1 or 2 on prevention of medical errors. Second and subsequent renewals require 40 hours including 2 hours of Category 1 or 2 on prevention of medical errors. Every third renewal requires 40 hours, including two hours of Category 1 or 2 in prevention of medical errors and two hours of Category 1 or 2 in domestic violence. Each person registered with the DEA and authorized to prescribe controlled substances must complete 2 hours of AMA Category 1 or AOA Category 1-A on prescribing controlled substances for each biennial renewal. |
Florida DO | Yes | First time renewal: 40 hours; five hours to include one hour in each of the following topics: 1) Risk Management, Florida Laws and Rules, and laws regarding the use and abuses of controlled substances; and two hours in Prevention of Medical Errors. Beginning in the 2010-2012 licensure biennium, five of the CME hours must include one hour in each of the following topics: 1) professional and medical ethics education, Florida laws and rules, and federal and state laws related to the prescribing of controlled substances; and two hours required in the Prevention of Medical Errors. Every third biennial renewal, licensee shall complete a two hour domestic violence court. Licensee must complete a one hour HIV/ AIDS course no later than upon the first biennial renewal. Twenty (20) hours of general, AOA Category 1-A CE related to the practice of osteopathic medicine or under osteopathic auspices. Each person registered with the DEA and authorized to prescribe controlled substances must complete 2 hours of AMA Cate 1 or AOA Category 1-A on prescribing controlled substances for each biennial renewal. |
Georgia | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; 25% must be Category 1. Effective January 1, 2018, each licensee with DEA registration and prescribes controlled substances must complete before their next renewal 3 hours of Category 1 CME on responsible opioid prescribing. The Board may accept certification or recertification by a member of ABMS, the AOA or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in lieu of compliance with CME requirements during the cycle in which the certification or recertification is granted. Effective January 1, 2022, every physician and allied health care professional that is licensed by GCMB must complete a one-time, two-hour sexual misconduct and professional boundaries course before their next renewal. |
Guam | Yes | 100 hours every 2 years; 25% must be Category 1. |
Hawaii | Yes | 40 Category 1 or lA CME hours every 2 years; 20 Category 1 or lA CME hours if initial license was received between 2/1/16-1/31/17. 20 hours are required for the initial renewal. Beginning with the 2020 renewal and thereafter, 40 hours will be required. |
Idaho | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. The Board may accept certification or recertification by a member of ABMS, the AOA or the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in lieu of compliance with CME requirements during the cycle in which the certification or recertification is granted. |
Illinois | Yes | 150 hours every 3 years; 60 hours must be Category 1. Beginning in 2020, physicians must also complete three (3) CME hours on safe opioid prescribing practices offered or accredited by a professional association, state government agency, or federal agency. CME taken by physicians as a requirement for licensure in another state, or for purposes of board certification application or renewal, count towards this new requirement. Additionally, physicians in Illinois are required to complete one (1) hour of continuing education specific to sexual harassment prevention. Beginning January 1, 2023, a health care professional who has continuing education requirements must complete at least a one-hour course in training on the diagnosis, treatment, and care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias per renewal period. This training shall include, but not be limited to, assessment and diagnosis, effective communication strategies, and management and care planning. This requirement shall only apply to health care professionals who provide health care services to, and have direct patient interactions with, adult populations age 26 or older in the practice of their profession. Beginning January 1, 2023, a health care professional who has continuing education requirements must complete at least a one-hour course in training on implicit bias awareness per renewal period. |
Indiana | Yes | Beginning July 1, 2019, 2 hours of CME addressing the topic of of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse. |
Iowa | Yes |
40 hours every 2 years; may include up to 20 hours of credit carried over from the previous license period. A licensee who regularly provides primary health care to children must complete two hours of training in child abuse identification in the previous five years. A primary care provider must complete two hours of training in dependent adult abuse identification and reporting in the previous five years. The Board will accept as equivalent to 50 hours of Category 1 activity, participation in an approved resident training program or board certification or recertification by an ABMS or AOA specialty board within the licensing period. Iowa-licensed physicians who provide primary care must complete two hours of Category 1 training for chronic pain management and two hours of Category 1 training for end-of-life care every five years. |
Kansas | Yes | Licensee must during the 18-month period preceding the expiration date, verify completion of at least 50 credits of continuing education, at least 20 in Category 1 and the remaining credits in Category 2; during the 30-month period preceding the expiration date, verify completion of at least 100 credits of continuing education, at least 40 in Category 1 and the remaining credits in Category 2; or during the 42-month period preceding the expiration date, verify completion of at least 150 credits of continuing education, at least 60 in Category 1 and the remaining credits in Category 2. |
Kentucky | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; 30 must be in Category 1; One-time domestic violence course for primary care physicians; a minimum of 2 hours must be acquired once every 10 years in HIV/ AIDS education; For each three (3) year continuing education cycle beginning on January 1, 2015, at least four and one- half (4.5) hours of approved continuing education hours relating to the use of KASPER, pain management, addiction disorders, or a combination of two (2) or more of those subjects for licensees who are authorized to prescribe or dispense controlled substances within the Commonwealth. |
Louisiana | Yes | 20 hours per year; all must be Category 1. Effective January 1, 2018, all licensees with a CDS license are required to complete a one-time, 3 hour CME course on drug diversion training, best prescribing practices of controlled substances, and appropriate treatment for addiction. Additionally, licensees are required to complete a one-time board orientation course to acquaint new licensees with the Louisiana Medical Practice Act, the function of the Board and its rules, opportunities available in rural and professional health shortage areas, etc. |
Maine MD | Yes | 100 hours every 2 years; 40 must be in Category 1. Physicians who prescribe controlled substances must complete 3 hours of continuing medical education on the prescription of opioid medication every 2 years. |
Maine DO | Yes | 100 hours every 2 years; 40 must be osteopathic medical education; primary care physicians: all must be AOA Category l; osteopathic specialists: all must be AOA, ACGME, or AMA Category 1. Physicians who prescribe controlled substances must complete 3 hours of continuing medical education on the prescription of opioid medication every 2 years. |
Maryland | Yes |
50 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. Effective October 1, 2018, when applying for a CDS registration, physicians must attest to the completion of 2 hours of continuing medical education related to the prescribing or dispensing of controlled substances. Effective October 1, 2021, applicants for renewal must attest to completion of an approved implicit bias training program the first time |
Massachusetts | Yes |
Effective January 1, 2018, the Board's CME Pilot Program requires licensees to obtain no fewer than 50 continuing medical education credits. Credits shall be earned from an organization accredited by the ACCME, AOA, AAFP or a state medical society recognized by the ACCME or from material used for point of care. The following content-specific CME must be completed: 2 credits in end-of-life issues, as a one time requirement; 3 credits in opioid education and pain management if the physician prescribes controlled substances; 10 credits in risk management, which may be Category 1 or 2; 2 credits for studying each chapter of the Board's regulations and these credits may applied to the risk management requirement; 3 credits in electronic health records as required under state law; the child abuse and neglect training required under state law; and the domestic violence and sexual violence training required under state law. Licensees may also claim 1 credit for every hour of reading a journal or a point of care resource accessed in the process of delivering patient care or updating clinical knowledge. The Board has expanded experiences that will support Risk Management CMEs to include many topics dealing with physician burnout and wellness. Beginning June 1, 2022, BORIM will require that applicants for initial physician licensure and licensees renewing physician licensure complete a continuing medical education requirement of 2.00 credits on the topic of implicit bias in healthcare. The 2.00 credits may be applied towards a physician’s biennially required 10 hours of risk management credits pursuant to 243 CMR 2.06(a)3. |
Michigan MD |
Yes | 150 hours every 3 years; 75 must be Category 1; 1 hour must be earned in the area of medical ethics. Effective December 6, 2017, a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education must be earned in the area of pain and symptom management. Effective June 1, 2022, new applicants for licensure or will need to complete a minimum of two hours of training on implicit bias, and applicants for renewal will need to complete a minimum of one hour of training annually. |
Michigan DO | Yes | 150 hours every 3 years; 60 must be Category 1. Effective December 6, 2017, a minimum of 3 hours of continuing education must be earned in the area of pain and symptom management. Effective June 1, 2022, new applicants for licensure or will need to complete a minimum of two hours of training on implicit bias, and applicants for renewal will need to complete a minimum of one hour of training annually. |
Minnesota | Yes | 75 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1 |
Mississippi | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. For licenses with DEA certificates, 5 hours must be related to prescribing medications with an emphasis on controlled substances. |
Missouri | Yes | 50 hours every 2 years; all must be AMA Category 1 or AOA Category lA or 2A; or 40 hours Category 1 or AOA Category 1A with proof of post-testing. |
Montana | No | -- |
Nebraska | Yes | 50 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. Effective October 1, 2018, physicians who prescribe controlled substances must complete at least three (3) hours of CME biennially regarding prescribing opioids, of which one half hour shall cover PDMPs. |
Nevada MD | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1. 20 hours must be in scope of practice of specialty; 2 must be in medical ethics, pain management, or addiction care; 2 must be in misuse and abuse of controlled substances, prescribing of opioids, or addiction; 16 may be in other medical education, including 2 hours every 4 years on suicide detection, intervention, and prevention. New licensees must complete 4 hours in WMD /bioterrorism within the first 2 years of licensure. Applicants for issuance or renewal of a license must attest to knowledge of and compliance with the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concerning the prevention of transmission of infectious agents through safe and appropriate injection practices. |
Nevada DO | Yes | 35 hours every year; 10 must be Category 1A. Licensees must complete 2 hours every 4 years on suicide detection, intervention, and prevention. As part of the biennial continuing education requirements for an osteopathic physician, the Board requires at least 2 hours of continuing education credits in ethics, pain management, or addiction care. The Board will add this requirement on every odd year renewal application. |
New Hampshire | Yes | 100 hours of approved continuing medical education requirements every 2 years, 40 hours of which shall be in Category I, and no more than 60 credit hours of which shall be in Category II. Three (3) hours shall be on pain management. |
New Jersey | Yes |
100 hours every 2 years; 40 must be Category I; 60 hours can be Category II; 6 hours Cultural competence (for physicians licensed prior to 3/2/2005, the cultural competence hours are in addition to 100 hour requirement). Two (2) of the required Category 1 Credits must be in End-of-Life-Care. For 2019 renewals and every renewal thereafter, one (1) of the required Category 1 Credits needs to be in topics concerning prescription opioid drugs, including responsible prescribing practices, alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain, and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction and diversion. For newly licensed physicians, the Board requires attendance at an orientation ro am; no CME credit. |
New Mexico | Yes |
75 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1. All NM medical board physician licensees who hold a federal drug enforcement administration registration and license to prescribe opioids shall be required to complete and submit five (5) CME hours. |
New York | Yes | 2 hours on identifying and reporting child abuse and maltreatment. Licensees must also complete coursework or training on infection control and barrier precautions once every four years. Prescribers who have a DEA registration number to prescribe controlled substances, as well as medical residents who prescribe controlled substances under a facility DEA registration number, must complete at least three (3) hours of coursework or training in pain management, palliative care, and addiction. |
North Carolina | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1 relevant to the physician's current or intended specialty or area of practice. Every physician who prescribes controlled substances shall complete at least three hours of CME, from the required 60 hours of Category 1 CME, that is designed specifically to address controlled substance prescribing practices. The controlled substance prescribing CME shall include instruction on controlled substance prescribing practices, recognizing signs of the abuse or misuse of controlled substances, and controlled substance prescribing for chronic pain management. |
North Dakota | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1. |
Northern Mariana Islands | Yes | 25 hours annually; all must be Category 1. |
Ohio | Yes | 100 hours every 2 years; 40 hours must be Category 1. Physician owner/ operators of pain management clinics must complete at least twenty hours of category I continuing medical education in pain medicine every two years, to include one or more courses addressing the potential for addiction. The courses completed in compliance with this rule shall be accepted toward meeting the category I requirement for certificate of registration renewal for the physician. Effective May 31, 2021, MDs, DOs and DPMs are required to complete one hour of CME prior to renewal on the topic of a licensee’s duty to report misconduct. The enforcement of this requirement will commence with renewal applications submitted on or after July 1, 2021. |
Oklahoma MD | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1. Effective November 1, 2018, each licensee must complete not less than one (1) hour of education in pain management or one (1) hour of education in opioid use or addiction each year preceding an application for renewal of a license, unless the licensee has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Board that the licensee does not currently hold a valid federal DEA registration number. |
Oklahoma DO | Yes | 16 hours every year; all must be AOA Category 1A or 1B; 1 hour every year must be on prescribing, dispensing, and administering controlled substances. |
Oregon | Yes | 60 hours every 2 years, or 30 hours if licensed during the second year of the biennium. All AMA Category l; AOA Category lA or 2A. All licenses of the Oregon Medical Board ( except licensee holding Lapsed, Limited, Telemedicine, Teleradiology, or Telemonitoring licenses) must complete a 1 hour pain management course; a minimum of 6 CME credit hours in the subject of pain management and/ or the treatment of terminally ill and dying patients. Any combination of CME coursework focusing on pain management and/ or treatment of terminally ill and dying patients may be used to fulfill this requirement. Participation in cultural competency, suicide risk assessment, and Alzheimer's education may be counted toward the mandatory continuing education required of all Board licensees. |
Pennsylvania MD | Yes | 100 hours every 2 years; 20 hours must be Category 1; 12 hours of patient safety or risk management; 2 hours must be in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements; remaining hours either Category 1 or 2. 2 hours of CME is required on pain management or identification of addiction, as well as 2 hours on practices of prescribing or dispensing opioids within 12 months of initial licensure. Subsequent license renewals require 2 hours of CME on pain management, identification of addiction, or prescribing practices. |
Pennsylvania DO | Yes |
100 hours every 2 years; 20 hours must be Category 1; 12 hours of patient safety or risk management; 2 hours must be in child abuse recognition and reporting requirements; remaining hours either Category 1 or 2. 2 hours of CME is required on pain management or identification of addiction, as well as 2 hours on practices of prescribing or dispensing opioids within 12 months of initial licensure. Subsequent license renewals require 2 hours of CME on pain management, identification of addiction, or prescribing practices. |
Puerto Rico | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; 40 must be Category 1; 50% must be earned in areas related to the licensee’s specialty, subspecialty, or certification in question. 10 hours must be earned in Disease Prevention and the promotion of health. For physicians providing direct or indirect hospital emergency room services, 20 hours must address Emergency Medicine, including courses in life support (CPR, ACLS, and PALS), emergency management, and the study of emergency medicine. Licensees must also complete six credit hours addressing Bioethics and Professionalism. |
Rhode Island | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be AMA Category 1 or AOA Category 1A; 2 hours on universal precautions, infection control, modes of transmission, bioterrorism, end of life education, palliative care, OHSA, ethics, or pain management. |
South Carolina | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1; at least 30 hours of which must be related directly to the licensee's practice area and at least two (2) hours must be related to approved procedures for prescribing and monitoring schedules II-IV controlled substances. |
South Dakota | No | -- |
Tennessee MD |
Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1; at least 2 of 40 required hours on controlled substance prescribing, which must include instruction in the Department's treatment guidelines on opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and carisoprodol and may include topics such as medicine addiction, risk management tools, and other topics approved by the Board; providers of intractable pain treatment must have specialized CME in pain management. |
Tennessee DO | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; all must be AOA lA or 2A; at least 2 of the 40 hours shall be a course(s) designated specifically to address prescribing practices. |
Texas | Yes |
48 hours every 2 years; 24 must be AMA Category 1 or AOA Category lA; 2 of those 24 hours must be on medical ethics and/ or professional responsibility including, but not limited, to courses in risk management, domestic abuse or child abuse; a human trafficking prevention course must be completed as part of the medical ethics and/ or professional responsibility requirement; the remaining 24 hours may be composed of informal self-study, attendance at hospital lectures, grand rounds, or case conferences not approved for formal CME, and shall be recorded in a manner that can be easily transmitted to the board upon request. For licensees practicing in pain management clinics, licensees must complete 10 hours of CME annually in the area of pain management. One course in human trafficking prevention approved by the executive commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission must be completed. |
Utah MD | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; 34 must be Category 1; 6 hours maximum may come from the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing. A controlled substance prescriber shall complete at least 3.5 hours of CE in one or more controlled substance prescribing classes. Physicians must also complete at least 1 online suicide prevention training course from a list provided by the Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL). |
Utah DO | Yes | 40 hours every 2 years; 34 must be Category 1; 6 hours maximum may come from the Division of Occupational & Professional Licensing. A controlled substance prescriber shall complete at least 3.5 hours of CE in one or more controlled substance prescribing classes. Physicians must also complete at least 1 online suicide prevention training course from a list provided by the Utah Department of Commerce Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing (DOPL). |
Vermont MD | Yes | 30 hours every 2 years; 1 hour must be on hospice, palliative care, or pain management services. For each licensee who holds a DEA number, at least 2 CME hours must be on safe and effective prescribing of controlled substances and pain management. |
Vermont DO | Yes | 30 hours every 2 years; 40% must be osteopathic medical education. |
Virgin Islands | Yes | 25 hours every year; all must be Category 1. |
Virginia | Yes | 60 hours every 2 years; 30 must be Category 1, of which 2 hours must be in pain management, proper prescribing of controlled substances, and the diagnosis and management of addiction. |
Washington MD | Yes | 200 hours every 4 years. Every physician must take a one-time, six (6) hour CE course in suicide assessment, treatment, and management. Effective 1/1/19, a physician licensed to prescribe opioids shall complete a one-time CE requirement regarding best practices in the prescribing of opioids or the opioid prescribing rules in this chapter. The CE must be at least one hour in length. |
Washington DO | Yes | 150 hours every 3 years; 60 must be Category 1. Every osteopathic physician must take a one-time, six (6) hour CE course in suicide assessment, treatment, and management. Effective 1/1/19, an osteopathic physician licensed to prescribe opioids shall complete a one-time CE requirement regarding best practices in the prescribing of opioids and the current opioid prescribing rules in this chapter. The CE must be at least one hour in length. |
West Virginia MD | Yes | 50 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1; 30 hours must be related to the physician's area of specialty. A physician may earn CME by teaching medical education courses or lecture to medical students, residents, or licensed physicians, or serve as a preceptor to medical students or residents: Provided, that a physician may not count more than twenty (20) hours in this category toward the required fifty (50) hours of continuing medical education. The Board will accept as equivalent to 47 hours of Category 1 activity, participation in a board certification or recertification by an ABMS specialty board within the licensing period. Beginning May 1, 2014, every physician as a prerequisite to license renewal shall complete a minimum of three (3) hours of drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training during the previous reporting period, which three (3) such hours may be provided only by a Board-approved program. |
West Virginia DO | Yes | 32 hours every 2 years; 50% must be AOA Category 1A or 1B. Beginning May 1, 2014, every physician as a prerequisite to license renewal shall complete a minimum of three (3) hours of drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training during the previous reporting period, which three (3) such hours may be provided only by a Board-approved program. A licensee participating in a clinical residency program for more than nine months out of the most recent licensing period may substitute a verification of participation in lieu of documentation of the CME hours specified. |
Wisconsin | Yes | 30 hours every 2 years; all must be Category 1; 2 must be on the opioid prescribing guidelines issued by the Board. |
Wyoming | Yes | 60 hours every 3 years; all must be Category 1 or 2. |
*All information from Federation of State Medical Boards, last updated June 2024. Subject to change. Should be verified independently.
*MedStudy Skin Signs and Heart Sounds do not offer CME or MOC