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    5 Delicious Fall Recipes That Take 45 Minutes (Or Less!)


    Your days are hectic, and your time is limited. We’ve gathered up 5 different recipes to try as the autumn season quickly approaches that are quick to prepare, taste delicious, and will leave you feeling satiated.


    Chicken Fricassee


    …AKA chicken braised in a white wine cream sauce—yum. You’ll want to pour this sauce over everything. The recipe calls for 2lbs of chicken, so you’ll definitely have leftovers to take to work with you the next day. 

    Total time: 45 minutes 

    Get the recipe here.


    Pork with Crispy Kale


    Crispy kale has our attention (or is the Colorado altitude just getting to us?). Serve up this twist on the classic pork and greens for a quick way to get your protein in. 

    Total time: 25 minutes 

    Get the recipe here.  


    Bacon-Wrapped Salmon with Fruit Chutney


    This combo will give you all the cranberry-sauce-at-thanksgiving feels, but it’s a simple 21 minutes to make. We love the idea of throwing some roasted green beans down as a bed for the salmon filet. Say it with us: Bacon makes everything better!

    Total time: 21 minutes 

    Get the recipe here.  


    Healthy(-er) Grilled Cheese 


    We voted, and it’s official: throwing a serving of vegetables into your grilled cheese makes it healthy. Okay, okay, maybe this isn’t the most nutritious option when you’re in a rush, but who can resist this comfort food classic? 

    Total time: 11 minutes 

    Get the recipe here.  


    Apple Cider Glazed Chicken 


    Best to save for a night after you’ve visited the pumpkin patch, or maybe when you’re cozy-ing up on the couch watching Hocus Pocus

    Total time: 45 minutes 

    Get the recipe here

    Is your mouth watering yet? Us too! These recipes should help you cut down the time you’re spending in the kitchen, so at the end of a long day you’re not spending tons of time prepping meals. If you need even more time-saving life hacks, we’ve got you covered.

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