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    Use the Personal Trainer to Build Your Pediatric Boards Study Schedule

    The need to create your own Pediatric Boards study schedule was just tossed out the window because a better way to study for the boards is here: MedStudy's Personal Trainer. This newly-released, super-smart, personalized learning tool makes the perfect interactive, adjustable study schedule for you.

    Here's how Personal Trainer creates your Pediatric Boards study schedule using MedStudy's Pediatrics Core and Pediatrics Questions and Answers. 

    MedStudy's Personal Trainer—A Personalized Pediatric Boards Study Schedule 

    Meet MedStudy's Personal Trainer, it's your super smart guide to the Core and Q&As

    Start by setting up Personal Trainer in your myMedStudy account. Tell Personal Trainer your study goals, when your exam is, and when you'd like to start studying. It will then filter content from the Core and Q&As into weekly personalized learning plans that appear on your Study Board.

    Using Personal Trainer's Pediatric Boards Study Schedule

    Each time you settle-in for a study session, start with a visit to your Study Board. There, you'll see your study schedule separated into the three essential phases of studying: Study, Spaced Retrieval, and Preview.

    personal trainer on a white laptop

    Study, Spaced Retrieval, and Preview on the Personal Trainer

    Does that sound familiar? It should!

    You see, Personal Trainer uses an algorithm to intelligently create weekly assignments according to the (did you guess??) science-backed MedStudy Method. This is THE most effective way to move the information you are studying into your long-term memory (and reach your study goals!). To read all about the MedStudy Method and how it will help you study stronger than ever before, download StudyWise.

    Here's a breakdown of Study, Spaced Retrieval, and Preview and how these sections work together:

    1. The Study section pulls in material you’ll read through for understanding, not memorization.

    2. Spaced Retrieval includes study units to help you practice recall of the same material you’ve already studied. This moves your study material into your long-term memory.

    3. Preview provides an overview of content you haven't reviewed yet to help make the information sticky and prepare your mind for your next study session.


    Want to hear the best part about using Personal Trainer as your Pediatric Board study schedule? It adapts to any changes in your timeline, so you don’t have to manually adjust anything like you would with a self-made plan. It's YOUR personalized study plan that tells you what to study and when—not to mention, it shows you everything you’ve accomplished along the way!

    Unlock the new Personal Trainer as your Pediatric Boards study schedule now by answering a few questions to get started.

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