We Asked, You Delivered––Top Holiday Gifs and Memes From Our 12 Day Giveaway

We asked our physician followers on Facebook to share their favorite holiday gifs or memes with us during our 12 Day Giveaway and may we say… They Delivered! Here are our favorites.
Who doesn’t love Kate Mckinnon? Thanks for sharing this one with us, Elaine Melissa Racero.
We are all about the Christmas sweaters too, Cristine M. Santiago.
Have you rewatched Home Alone yet this year? Thanks for sharing Leslie De La Fuente.
Speaking of favorite holiday movies, who has rewatched Elf this year like Viji Kumar?
Meghan Aabo was on the same page too.
Balreet Dhami shared this great Elf quote gif.
Any Game of Thrones fans out here like Jay Wumi?
My heart! We absolutely love this movie too, Elizabeth Karen.
Dying over this one. Thanks for sharing Mallory Nebergall.
A classic! Thanks Abby Lea.
Finally, the giveaway winner, Matthew Fabiszak, shared this gem.
Go check out the rest of the great memes and gifs on our Facebook and enter in the remaining of our giveaways! Happy holidays from all of us at MedStudy!