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    5 Benefits of Taking A MedStudy Review Course Online

    Here's the dilemma: you need to plan to study for a board or CME requirements for 2022, but, you're not sure you'll want to travel.

    Did you know that you can get the same benefits of a MedStudy onsite course, without leaving your home or office? 

    Our online Internal Medicine Board Review Course is 5 days of lectures that you live stream from your computer (or any mobile device with internet access). After the course is over, you'll be able to view all of the lectures from your account for 12 more months.

    In the sessions, 13 expert speakers cover every Internal Medicine topic you’ll need to review for board exams and practice update. Here are 5 ways that an online course will benefit you going into 2022. 

    "Great course, loved it overall. I wasn't sure I could pass the exam. Now I know I can." Anjna Grover MD

    The Review Course Offers Flexibility For Your Busy Lifestyle 

    You can take an online course from anywhere

    You can take an online course from anywhere

    We know you’ve got a busy schedule, and it can be difficult to put your work and home life on hold to get away for a 5-day course.

    We’ve made it easy to get everything our onsite course offers—without the headache of getting off work, traveling, and staying on a strict schedule. With the online Review Course, you can stream every lecture live from the comfort of your own home or your favorite study spot!

    Plus, after the course is over, you'll receive all of the lecture footage for one year, right in your MedStudy account. So, if you couldn't live stream a lecture, don't worry! You'll have unlimited access to the videos for one year. 

    "The online course was great, I could move at my own pace."—Denise Anderson, DO

    Lectures are Presented by Renowned Teachers 

    John Higgins, MD presenting a slide from the course

    John P. Higgins, MD Chief of Cardiology, Lyndon B Johnson General Hospital
    giving the
    Cardiology lecture at our 2020 Internal Medicine Board Review Course

    Throughout the course, you’ll get guidance from our 13 world-class speakers on exactly what you need to know for board exams and updating your knowledge for practice. Our lecturers only focus on reviewing the information that will actually be relevant, so you won’t have to worry about sifting through excess information that won’t be on the boards.

    "Great way to fill in gaps of knowledge and review all important subject areas. Highly recommended!" —Mariamou Sims, MD

    You'll Receive a Full-Color Printed Syllabus 

    full color syllabus next to computer coffee and glassesUse the syllabus to go through course Q&As 

    Before the course begins, you’ll receive a full-color printed syllabus in the mail. The syllabus includes every slide, picture, and questions the lecturer goes over in their presentation. So, you can relax and focus on reviewing content and not have to worry about taking notes. Plus, shipping is free to the contiguous U.S.!

    Use the syllabus to follow along with the videos, review lecture content on your own, and build your confidence in the review material at your own pace.

    Get 100 Bonus Self-Assessment Questions 

    With the Online Internal Medicine Board Review Course you'll receive 100 Self-Assessment questions

    Go through 100 board-style questions in your MedStudy account 

    Test yourself before and after the course to measure what you’ve learned. Use the 100 online self-assessment questions that come with your Review Course purchase to spot any topics you need some extra review on. Go through these once before the course and once after to see how much you have improved! 

    If you love the 100 self-assessment questions, you'll want to check out the entire Board-Style Q&A. With the full product, you'll have access to over 1,700 questions to help you prepare

    You Can Watch The Lectures As Many Times As You Need (Or Want!) To

    person watching course on laptop

    Live stream the sessions during the course and review the footage for one year after the course is over 

    Your review doesn't have to end just because the Course is over. Once the Review Course has wrapped, you'll see the lecture footage in your MedStudy account. Watch the course videos, go through your syllabus, and review the Q&As as many times as you need to over the next 12 months to make sure you have the material down pat.  

    "I went through the majority of the videos twice: very helpful, focused and high yield." —Iftekhar Sareshwala, MD

    Many of our attendees credit the course with giving them the confidence they needed to pass the boards, and it can do the same for you!

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