What's New For IM: MedStudy's 20th Edition Internal Medicine Review

Our 20th Edition Internal Medicine study solutions are better than ever. Our expert physician educators have completely rewritten every component of this new edition to be more focused on what you need to know—while staying true to our trademark easygoing style. It’s truly the best internal medicine review. Ever!
Be confident in the content
If you’re familiar with MedStudy, you’ll know that our Core is foundational for all of our other products. We spent a very productive and busy 2 years creating this new edition of the Core, and we know you'll love it.
The new print and digital Core is the source of truth for all of our study solutions.
This 20th Edition represents the knowledge, expertise, and labor of love of physician educators from Internal Medicine residencies and teaching hospitals across the U.S. This new IM Core has been written to ensure that the information is tightly focused, reflects the current standards of care, and references the most recent practice guidelines. Plus, it covers every item on the ABIM blueprint.
We used that same intense focus on content to create every other product in this 20th Edition. We carefully aligned the content across learning tools, and continuously work to keep our digital products up-to-date.
Study more efficiently
A really cool feature in this edition is the topic interlinking in the digital learning tools.
Interlinking digital content helps you study more efficiently.
How does it work? With a single click, you can easily move between the 3 learning tools in your Study Strong Digital Essentials: digital Core, Q&As, and Flashcards. For example, if you're reading about pituitary disorders in your digital Core, you can quickly click to the same topic in your Q&As or flashcards to gain deeper understanding of that topic.
Rely on Personal Trainer
Personal Trainer is based on the MedStudy Method, which combines the best evidence-based learning techniques into a system that makes truly learning medicine easier. It creates a personalized study plan for you, adapts to schedule changes in your schedule, and keeps track of your accomplishments.
Get to know MedStudy's Personal Trainer. Say goodbye to cramming and calendaring.
Personal Trainer (a $300 value) is included with each component of the Study Strong Essentials and makes cramming and calendaring obsolete!
If you’d like to experience the new content before you buy it, start a 30-day free trial risk free!