Take Back Your Free Time with This ABIM Audio Review

Take a minute and think of your ideal study session. You’ve carved out time on your calendar to study, and maybe you're set up at a local coffee shop or your desk at home. You have your book open to the section you're reviewing, and you're sipping on a hot drink.
Newsflash: Your study sessions don’t have to be this clear-cut! You don't have to put your life on hold to study. You can turn your daily activities into much-needed study time with this ABIM audio review that fits your busy lifestyle.
Take back your free time with this ABIM audio review
You can take your ABIM Audio Review with you on-the-go via the MedStudy App. Its easy-to-use interface and personalized experience allow you to get the most out of your audio review—and the most out of your time studying!
We know how much our users like to listen to podcasts while doing daily activities. That’s why we’ve created our ABIM Audio Review to be a similar experience. Our Internal Medicine Core Audio Pearls can be accessed from your mobile device and used anywhere you’re on the go (as long as you have internet access). That means you can transform your commute to work, time at the gym, or dog walks into board prep time.
Start your free trial of the Internal Medicine Core Audio Pearls to listen to the entire Pulmonary Medicine section now—no credit card info is required.
Review more efficiently with high-yield pearls
The Audio Pearls are designed to help Internists study more medicine in less time with “pearls,” or high-yield nuggets of knowledge. Each section is recorded by a physician who specializes in that topic.
To create the ABIM audio review, our expert contributors take the high-yield content of the 20th Edition Core and present the most important exam details to share in their pearls.
Numerous speakers present the content in an engaging manner, so you won’t be listening to just one speaker for all 16 topics. And, since you're studying on the go, you'll be able to recall information quickly during your ABIM exam.
What's possible with your MedStudy Audio Pearls
While using this ABIM audio review, you’ll be able to track your progress through each section with real-time feedback on percent completed. You can also bookmark and take notes in every section.
There are easy playback options where you can set the audio at your preferred pace—up to 2x normal speed. You can also rewind in 45- and 15-second increments. The menu includes topics and subtopics where you can easily select what to listen to next.
Ready to turn your daily chores into study time? Get the Internal Medicine Core Audio Pearls for ABIM audio review now to make the most out of your time!