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    Why This Doc Attends A MedStudy Review Course Every Year

    If you've been in practice for a while, it can be hard to remember everything that you need for boards and to keep your practice up to date. Plus, when you are working full time (or more!) it's almost impossible to find time to read and study on your own.

    We talked with Dr. Chang about his annual study method to stay up to date on his CME and keep his knowledge in tip-top condition. Here's his secret. 

    Get the guideline updates in a dedicated, 5-day span

    Dr. Chang practices Internal Medicine with the VA Northern California Health Care System. He doesn’t have time throughout the year to study and read like he would like, so he makes sure to attend a review course each year to keep up with changing guidelines. 

    "I have been going to MedStudy’s Review Course every year since finishing my Internal Medicine residency training."

    Dr. Chang on attending the MedStudy Review Course each year

    MedStudy Review Course makes it easy to learn 

    He told us that he has attended review courses from other medical education resources, but keeps coming back to the MedStudy Review Course, because it helps him learn and remember more. He follows along with the Course syllabus while the expert speakers are lecturing. 

    And that's one of the things we hear most about our Review Course—the syllabus we create is top-notch. We make sure that our Review Course syllabus serves as the comprehensive resource for everything you learn at one of our Review Courses—it contains every single slide from the course, scaled for easy reading and printed in full color (500+ pages!).

    Easily earn and claim CME from the review course

    He said that not only does he attend the courses to keep up with his medical knowledge, he also said that he attends each year to earn the CME credits he needs for maintaining his certification. 

    "When I come to MedStudy’s Course it helps me to remember more, at the same time, when I’m at the course and see all the people in the class each day (some a lot younger than me), I feel like I am in residency training all over again."

    Dr. Chang on MedStudy's Review Course 


    If you've been in practice a while and need a refresher—or need to earn CME credits to maintain your certification—follow Dr. Chang's study method and attend a MedStudy Review Course!  

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