Meet the Educators behind the Medical Student Study Strong System—Nicole Behnke, MD

You may have heard about the Medical Student Study Strong System by now. And, most importantly, how it's an evidence-based learning system with three essential components that work together to ensure you truly LEARN the foundations of medicine in med school—in the easiest way possible.
To that end, we worked with expert physician educators to help us craft all the content in the Medical Student Core and Step 1 and Step 2 Qbank+, and we think it’s time for you to meet them!
Meet Nicole Behnke, MD
In this first contributor feature, we're highlighting Nicole Behnke, MD, who worked on the Musculoskeletal and Surgery sections of the Medical Student Core and Qbank+.
What stood out to Dr. Behnke about the Student System? The interlinked content in the Medical Student Core and Qbank+. Plus, read on to find out what she deems essential for demonstrating competency.
Quote from Nicole Behnke, MD
Want to test out the Medical Student Study Strong System? Start a free trial now and get the full Musculoskeletal section for 30 days.
An inside look at the Musculoskeletal section in the Core as part of the Medical Student Study Strong System
Q- What are you most proud of, when it comes to your contributions to these student products?
A- The level of relevant, updated and evidence-based content I could bring to the table, and my ability to winnow this down into easily digestible material that is useful and high-yield for medical students.
Q- Do you have any advice for students about studying during medical school and how these tools might help?
Quote from Nicole Behnke, MD
A- Learn your learning style. If you’re a visual learner, draw out picture, diagrams, take notes as you write, ... And don’t ever assume you’ve got the competency until you can demonstrate it by self-testing and practice questions.
Q- How do you think these learning tools stand out from others for medical students?
Quote from Nicole Behnke, MD
A- The cross-linking [interlinked content] is excellent between the sections of the product. If you encounter a challenging Q&A, it’s easy to reference the key information found in the core content and, from there, get to other related topics. The information is all high-yield and easily digestible. And all the content and questions have been authored and edited by physicians actually practicing in the relevant fields- you can be sure the information is up to date and relevant both to test-taking AND practical clinical knowledge.
Study with the Medical Student Core
Study with the Medical Student Study Strong System
Start studying with the Medical Student Study Strong System now to see the full sections Dr. Behnke worked on.
We’ve taken 30 years of expertise in helping Internists and Pediatricians ace their boards and crafted the revolutionary Medical Student Study Strong System. This comprehensive learning system combines focused content with evidence-based learning techniques to ensure you truly LEARN the foundations of medicine as you work toward your goal of becoming an awesomely competent doctor.
Read from Other Medical Student Study Strong System Contributors:
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